It's absolutely heartbreaking to know you won't be making money anymore. Most people would be concerned with the financial obligations already lined up to be paid, like mortgages, car payments, student loans, bla bla bla. The only thing I could think about was the inability to travel. Yes, I worry about immigration and paying the rent. But I like to look further, always look further. I worry about superficiality like spending my money on the hedonistic things in life. Some people amass wealth to buy a big house, an expensive car, diamonds, designer clothes. I'd like all of those things too; who doesn't.
Still those material things are all secondary to me. I'd rather go broke travelling. I cried when I realised that I had waited two years to see Europe again and now I can no longer go forward with those plans, at least not in the near future.
America is large, wide, and plenty. Still there is nothing like stepping on European (Union) soil. I will weep for many days, and maybe many years until I can spend my Euros. By choosing not to go broke travelling, for once, I have elected measured mental torture.
aw, i live in australia where the dollar is currently buying sixty something american cents...so no travel for me for a while either.
keep calm and carry on.
Well there's always Asia for Aussies -
In the States - now that's a challenge - Domestic travel perhaps?
Opps That was me
if you're in the states - mexico, south america. i went there a few years ago and looovvved it and came back with money to spare.
D: Ah Mexico City - reminds me of KL - Except more dangerous
Mexico City is insane. I wouldn't even dare to go there. If the water doesn't kill you, the local gangs will.
D; I think the water in India is equally deadly
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